
Italo Calvino

This course will develop your Italian language skills – reading, writing, and speaking – while introducing you to the novels of Italo Calvino, one of the greatest Italian writers of the twentieth century. To develop your writing skills in Italian, there will be a written exam, and a final paper in which you will try to carry out an analysis of one or more novels we have read that tries to develop your original interpretation of the works we will have read. In addition to discussion during class, you will also have an in-class presentation to refine your spoken Italian. All assignments will be completed in Italian. 


Please arrive punctually to the class, well prepared and willing to discuss the novels. The novels will be at the university library as always (the stories will be in electronic form); to improve your reading skills in Italian, you must provide yourself with an appropriate dictionary and use it. Of course, you don't have to understand every word of the texts on first reading (not even the case when reading in English) - however, you need to understand enough of them to follow the plot and develop observations and questions around the themes and subject matter of the novel and then talk about it during the class, with the aim of improving your ability to discuss academic topics in Italian and expanding your active vocabulary.

Il voto

Il  voto sarà basato sull'esame scritto (25%), la presentazione orale (25%), il paper finale (25%) e sulla  partecipazione (25%).

Ore di ricevimento

Le mie ore di ricevimento sono dalle 1:00 a 2:00  il giovedì, 2122 FLB. Potete venire quando volete, senza avvisarmi in anticipo, ma è sempre una buon'idea avere delle domande specifiche o dei problemi particolari che volete discutere. Va bene anche se venite a chiacchiarare un po' ma vi prego di non "dominarmi" le ore di ricevimento ogni giorno o ogni settimana. Fatemi sapere quando arrivate, altrimenti non saprò che ci sia qualcun che mi aspetta.


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La lezione

Ci incontriamo una volta alla settimana, il giovedì dalle 2:00 alle 5:00.